Brown Skin girl
That type of skin that shine like diamonds
Brown Skin girl
The only natural reflection the sun roots for
Giving life to yo melanin
Recharging yo body,
so those silky curves topped off with that flamboyant crown glow and grow just right
Brown Skin girl
The one they all judge
Say your curves are too much and shout for you to make that loud crown quiet down
Just for them to turn around
And pay millions to have your silky curves,
To have your luscious lips and God given nose
Brown Skin girl
Yea you
With all that culture in those big round hoops and glistening gold decorations renting out yo hair
You make every head turn and question how all that magic can be in one body
Can be in your body
Can be in only
The Brown body
Brown Skin girl
The girl others try to mimic but they can never be
You can never replace the original
They might listen to hip hop or memorize all the words to our slang
They might wear cornrows and braids while anticipating if they got closer to our culture
They might twerk to our Afro-beats, mimic our African rooted dance moves
But they will never be you
Because those aren’t the things that define Black Culture
Being black is defining black culture
Brown Skin girl
You are your enslaved ancestors wildest dreams
You were the sun that shined after hungry & fatigued, but hopeful black bodies endured the pain
Your kinks was a God given gift our enslaved ancestors used to map out ways towards freedom
A gift they used to show their societal status as Queens and Kings before the pilgrims came to take away their crown
Those hoops you wear in your ear is your soul trying to lead you back to the times when your royal ancestors decorated their bodies with nature’s jewels,
So every step they took would glisten underneath the light of the sun
Brown Skin girl your ancestors were proud of their features
Letting each curve dance underneath the sun till dark
Making beautiful hymns and beats that play as the foreground of our hip-hop and afro beats
Beats of happiness
Beats of sorrows
Beats begging lady liberty for freedom
Our. Beats.
That is our culture
Brown Skin girl
Your the descendant of royalty
Your features are queen-like
Your culture influenced and influences the world
Your ancestors nurtured the America we stand on
Never be ashamed
Poem Created by Shalea Carter